Sunday, April 26, 2015

Butterfly Palace by Colleen Coble

So I just read Butterfly Palace by Colleen Coble and was pleasantly surprised by the story. I read the back of the book when I purchased it and the storyline seemed OK, Not really anything to write home about, But when I actually read the book I just could not put it down!
The story is about Lily Donaldson, Whose Father dies in a fire along with her fiance's Father. Andy ( her fiance) Leaves her for reasons that are not apparent until later in the story (I don't want to ruin the story by giving spoilers) Four years later her Mother dies, She than finds herself employed as a maid at The Butterfly Palace. While serving at a dinner party she sees Andy. She's puzzled as to why he is a distinguished guest when he used to be one of her Fathers helpers and why he has changed his name to Drew. When she prevents the murder of a young servant, it appears that she becomes the Murderer's next target. The Plot thicken when someone steals Mr. Marshall's ( Her Employer) prized Butterfly, There is a murder that occurs in the Butterfly room and Lily uncovers an assassination attempt on Mr.Marshall with the help of an unlikely ally. Lily and Drew (aka Andy, remember I told you he changed his name) have to work together to find the murderer before Lily becomes the next victim and Mr Marshall is assasinated. The story is filled with twists and turns that make it hard to determine the ending and will have you second guessing who the murderer is,  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did! Well on to the next book...

Oh, Don't forget to check out other books by Colleen Coble,  Just click on the link below

Books by Colleen Coble

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